Wednesday 12 June 2019

2019 - Days 9 to 11: The Czech Republic

The summation for these days is good times with good friends.

When we decided to do this road trip we thought we couldn't do it without visiting our friends who had recently moved back from Wycombe to the Czech Republic and so once dates were decided the rest of the route was pretty much planned around reaching this as our furthest point and then back.

Jana and Petr very kindly hosted us for four nights and we had such a lovely time staying with them and this blog can only touch briefly on all the things we did with them over the three days without it becoming an essay!

We started Day 9 with a trip to Drtinova Rozhledna, a wooden lookout tower.  It had some spectacular views over the countryside but we didn't get much time to savour them before the kids decided the climbing down again was more fun than the looking!

View from the top.

View looking down... can you spot us at the bottom?

We then went for a walk through the woods. It felt good to stretch our legs after being in the car for so long the day before, although poor Matt did have a rotation of Paloma or Forrest on his shoulders as the little legs got tired.

Paloma's turn on the "carthorse".

It was nice seeing the boys renewing their friendship, even if they did both decide that the other one "talked too much" and they must have spent so much time debating whose turn it was to speak that they never actually got to say what they wanted in the first place.

Renewing old friendships.

Making new friendships.

The afternoon was then spent splashing in the pool again and Paloma eating poor Jana and Petr out of house and home, especially when it came to the strawberries.

Splashing in the pool.

"More strawberries!"

We then wrapped up the day by roasting sausages on an open fire.  Perfect.

The boys are in charge of the fire pit.

Day 10 was a drive out to Karlštejn Castle.  Founded in 1348 by Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor-elect and King of Bohemia, the castle was built to house the Roman Imperial Insignia and the Bohemian crown jewels.  It was a long walk up the hill to get to the castle and after an ice cream refreshment we continued even further up on the tour of the tower.

View from the top of the Great Tower.

Bless the tour guide trying her best to remember her English script whilst Emma and Paloma played tag team in causing a disturbance but she did a really good job in telling the history of the castle and it's occupants and it was lovely seeing Forrest paying real attention to what she was saying.

Proud kids infront of the tower they climbed.

Easier down than up!

We then made the long hot trek back down the hill before heading back for more swimming and, after an early night for the kids, a late night BBQ for the adults.

Day 11 and Petr had to work so we got out of his way by heading out on the train from Mokrovraty to Praha-Zbraslav.  The train certainly takes the scenic route, heading from village to village picking up those who are in no rush to reach their destination.

Our train arriving at the remote Mokrovraty station.

Watching the world go by out of the window.

We went for a walk through the forest to see some of the animals in the Minizoo Zbraslav.  It was a lovely low key type of place but very sad to see that some animals were no longer there as there had been some vandalism attacks.  At one point we weren't sure if a missing bridge was due to vandalism or if it had been washed away but it didn't stop the boys from making their way across to see the owls on the other side of the stream.

Looking round the Minizoo Zbraslav.

Intrepid explorers.

We then went to Posledního Kelta for lunch where the kids had a good go on the play equipment and we enjoyed delicious food, drinks and ice creams.

Paloma in pole position.

Both our two kids fell asleep on the train ride home (and I think both adults too for brief moments!) and a relaxed play in the garden and a traditional tea of ovocné kynuté knedlíky, or fruit dumplings in English, rounded off a good final day.  

Family photo waiting for the train.

"Train coming!"

We had such a great time staying with Jana, Petr and family that I am sure we will be back again at some point and we are already talking of other joint holidays we can start planning for the future but for now onwards on the road trip.

Blogged by Amber.

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