Friday 7 June 2019

2019 - Day 8: Czeched in for the weekend

Summation of the day is seeing the kids playing together makes the 1,732km since we left High Wycombe seem completely worthwhile.

With the long drive ahead we managed to get out of the hotel by 9am and on the road heading east towards the Czech Republic.  The first couple of hours were quick, stopping just before the border to purchase our 10 day vignette to access the Czech motorway network.  After a stop for a picnic lunch and break in Lovosice we made our way under Prague in the new tunnel system and arrived at Jana and Petr's lovely house late afternoon.

Safely parked up, the S-Max has done us proud so far on the trip.

The kids played, the adults drank beer and we now look forward to a few days at a slightly slower pace than the last week!  We move on, back into Germany on Tuesday, and we'll pick up the blog again then.

Blogged by Matt.

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