Tuesday 6 August 2024

Czech Republic 2024 - Day 8: Heading back to Nový Knín

The summation of the day is, "can you be a little quieter please"!

We were again up early to make it to the main Karlovy Vary station for our train back to Prague. There are very few trains from Prague to Dobříš during the week, so our schedule today was based around the last part of the journey more than the first.

We've made good use of the buses whilst in Karlovy Vary and they've always been on time, so we had confidence to get the last bus that would get us to the station in time for our train, albeit with quite a bit of contingency thrown in for good measure. We need not have worried, however, as the bus turned up bang on time for our journey down the valley in to the town and then back up the other side to the station.

Our route back to Prague was the same as on Saturday in reverse, first heading north east towards Usti nad Labem, then with a change of direction and locomotive, south to Prague. On the train the kids had their own table again, although that didn't stop Emma gatecrashing the adult table and asking us to play Uno and Rat-a-tat Cat and of course we duely obliged! The boys were happy playing Top Trumps and seemed to get more and more excited as time went on, with their voices getting louder and louder too. The girls also joined in at times and the words "can you be a little bit quieter" were said by us and Jana more times than I'd be able to count!

Once in Prague, we had almost a two hour connection for the train on to Dobříš. On a weekday there are no trains between 5.25am and 2.25pm, so we should probably count ourselves lucky that the wait was only two hours (it's the best connection of the whole day). To kill some time we went to a small playground very near the station in Vrchlického Sady park, before heading back to the station to grab some lunch to have on the final leg of the journey. This was more troublesome than it should have been, if only we had found the Billa supermarket a little earlier.

Food and drink consumed, it was back to the kids playing their games and in my case, writing the blog up to this point. Not surprisingly, "can you be a little quieter please" was once again the phrase of the journey!

So I pick up the blog again with the kids all having a sleepover together. It's now almost 10pm here and I don't believe any sleep has yet happened, but there is still time! Since getting back we have had a swim and I cooked the BBQ that we didn't get time for yesterday. A much needed relaxing end to the day after the busy few days away.

Tomorrow is our last full day in the Czech Republic, the week seems to have gone quickly.

Blogged by Matt.

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