Monday 8 August 2022

Scotland 2022 - Day 3: Rosemarkie and Dolphins

The summation of today is that "dolphins are amazing creatures".

This location is our only two night stay with the motorhome, so we made the most of not having to drive with a walk to Rosemarkie.  After a rare navigational error from yours truly, we were lucky to get directions from a local postie who pointed out the correct route and even a shortcut!

Our main reason for heading to Rosemarkie was to visit the Fairy Glen Falls, a RSPB nature reserve with two lovely waterfalls.  Legend has it that fairies kept the glen clean for the locals to drink and wash, and today there is a small model village of fairy houses to continue this legacy.  There were also many other distractions along the route for the kids including a still pond with a heron and many tadpoles and froglets which the kids had great fun trying to catch with their hands (all creatures were released unharmed back into the water even if Forrest did want to keep some as a pet!). 
Both waterfall lakes had stepping stones and were great for rock scrambling and fine for a shallow paddle. Despite our attempts to warn Paloma that paddling whilst in her walking boots was probably not the best thing to do, she proceeded to ignore us. It's all okay though, as she proclaimed that she likes her boots being wet and to be honest she didn't complain about it too much! Let's just hope she doesn't complain about her probably still damp boots tomorrow.
Once back from the falls we had a nice lunch at the local cafe and then spent the afternoon pottering on the beach.  All the kids were happy digging holes in the sand, whilst a little later Amber also took the boys to explore the rock pools on the northern edge of the bay where they enjoyed hunting out the jellyfish and anemones including some ginormous jellyfish washed up on the beach. 
We had planned a boat trip for later in the day to see the seals and dolphins, but whilst we were nice and sheltered in the bay at Rosemarkie, our motorhome just a couple of miles away and near the harbour where the boat launches from was wild and windy. So we received a call to unfortunately let us know it wouldn't be safe to take the boat out today.

So instead of taking the direct route back we headed for Chanonry Point (the location we had been going to before "coat gate" the previous night), to try to see the seals and dolphins from the land. And they didn't disappoint, with at least one dolphin giving us a show and a seal popping up to say hello too. It was hard to drag Forrest away and on finally departing he proclaimed that "dolphins are amazing creatures". 
(We didn't have the main camera with us as we were planning on collecting that on route to the cancelled boat trip so you will have to play hunt the dorsal fin on the phone camera photo!)

All that was left was the last bit of the walk back to the motorhome, walking straight into the gale and after a long and busy day everyone was pleased to finally make it back.

Tomorrow we head north to Brora, with a couple of stops planned along the way.

Blogged by Matt (and Amber).

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