Monday 10 August 2020

2020 - Day 5: Seepark Arrach

The summation of today is swimming with the fishes.

Today we made the short drive to Seepark Arrach in the town of Kless, around 25 minutes from where we are staying in Bayerisch Eisenstein. The Seepark concept seems to be fairly common in this part of Germany and consists of an open air swimming lake with a number of other attractions. At Seepark Arrach this includes mini-golf and a kids playground.

Forrest was very keen to go swimming as soon as we got there, but Matty fancied a game of mini-golf, so after a little bit of parental persuasion that playing mini-golf in wet clothes wouldn’t be as much fun, the boys together with Petr and myself headed off for a game of golf whilst Amber, Jana and the girls explored the playground and a small stream, mini-lake and beach area. The golf was quite a competitive affair, especially between Forrest and Matty, but by the time we’d reached the 18th hole it was clear that their focus was starting to wane, but Forrest did enjoy it and asked to have another go later in the day (we said no, but we should have a chance for some more mini-golf later in the trip).

Starting the day with a round of golf.

After a quick pause for an ice lolly it was time to have a swim, or at least for the kids as we just went for a bit of a paddle and to be there should the kids need us. Forrest and Matty continued their endless battle racing across the lake and Paloma decided that splashing Daddy was more fun than swimming. Whilst not a fully natural lake, the Seepark was more lake than swimming pool and there were a number of small fish sharing it with the other guests, but neither of our kids seemed at all interested in the aquatic company!

Paloma finishing her lolly before joining the others in the water.

Having fun splashing Daddy.

Ultra-competitive boys!

The weather at this point was starting to turn a little bit with the clear blue skies from the morning replaced with a few clouds, some of which looked a little dark and ominous, but this didn’t stop Forrest, Paloma and Matty investigating the stream and mini-lake building sandcastles and pebble dams to redirect the water.

Playing down by the stream.

It was now starting to spit a little bit with rain so we packed up our bags and headed back to base, stopping off to do some grocery shopping on the way. We certainly picked the right time to leave as whilst in the supermarket the heavens opened and the downpour was extreme!

During our stay in Bayerisch Eisenstein we’re planning on eating in most nights, taking it in turns to cook, so after Jana cooked us a lovely spaghetti bolognaise it was our turn to cook and my improvised version of “Matthew Chicken” went down well with everyone. The kitchenette looks to have been recently replaced and compared to previous experiences with self-catering kitchens it was well stocked for cooking a full meal.

The day finished with a walk / cycle / scoot to the local park to let the kids run off a little more steam before bedtime. How they have so much energy despite being busy all day I really do not know!

Scooting home from the park.

Blogged by Matt.

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