Wednesday 5 June 2019

2019 - Day 6: Heading to Harz

The summation of today is you can't go wrong with a cheese sandwich... can you?

For the last couple of nights in Hamburg we've been staying in a Premier Inn, one of the first of their hotels in Germany.  Being brand new the hotel was spotless and common with many of their more recent hotels back home in the UK, it was an ex-office conversion superbly located next to the river and adjacent to the Messberg U-Bahn station.  It even had a Costa attached!

View from the 6th Floor, Premier Inn, Hamburg.

Our main aim today was to travel the 300km south from Hamburg to our next hotel in Wernigerode, one of the gateway towns for the Harz mountains.  The Harz is known for it's picturesque medieval towns and so we thought we would use the rest of today to visit Quedlingburg one of the most renowned of these.  To save parking in the narrow streets we decided to get the train in from Halberstadt and walk into the town.

Our first stop was to find Cafe Wirbelwind, a child-friendly cafe we had researched online which was nicely tucked away in the old part of town giving us an introduction to the pretty, narrow streets.  We got there and the kids headed straight for the play area which was great and our waitress brought over the menus.

Loving all the cafes with little play areas over here!

This was the first occasion when we've encountered someone who spoke little to no English and so we got out out Google translate to help us with the bits of the menu we didn't understand.  When it came to ordering we decided that "Zwei Weisse Wurst" served with toast (we requested bread as Forrest doesn't eat toast) was a safe option for Forrest and a "Kinder Sandwich" with a chosen option of käse would do for Paloma. When they arrived Forrest's came with toast but he was fine about this as the weisse wurst were ginormous!  However, Paloma's "kid's cheese sandwich" was not only toasted (which she would have been fine with) but filled with tomato salsa and a McDonald's Big Mac style mayonnaise which promptly got a "I don't like it" after the first bite.  Thankfully she was happy with Forrest's rejected plain toast!! Those who know Matthew will know how he feels about restaurants / cafes that add ingredients to food which aren't listed in the menu but really just how can you go wrong with a cheese sandwich!?


Tired legs need lots of rest breaks.

We then took a stroll up to the castle area to see a few more of the quaint buildings and streets but with a 34 degree heat and two rapidly tiring kids we decided to head back to the train station and find some ice-creams.

Trying not to get the brand new Abellio LINT train seats sticky!

A short drive onwards to Wernigerode and we checked into the Hotel Atora which the kids and Matthew would say has an even better view than Hamburg but more on this tomorrow.....

Blogged by Amber.

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