Monday 3 June 2019

2019 - Day 4: Arriving in Hamburg

The summation of today is don't take your kids on a 2-hour boat tour with no English commentary!

So today was our first swap over day of the bags.  We decided to (try to) be organised on this trip and have one big bag for all of us that went into the hotels but this meant every three days or so we need to empty out and restock the bag from the reserve boxes in the car.  This also meant taking over a small area of the car park while we tried to work out what we were doing and what the weather was doing for the next few days!  So Andy and the Oddsocks and a bowl of dry Shreddies kept the kids entertained while we did this.  It took the whole album today our aim by the end of the trip is to have it nailed by Track 7 - Ghostbusters...

All change...

Talking of the weather, you may have seen that yesterday it was predicting a day of thunderstorms... well that transpired to mean one slight drizzle shower somewhere around Bremen.  So weather forecasters in Germany are just as good as those in Britain.

We completed the drive with relative ease.  We expected people to drive quickly on the Autobahn but it took us by surprise just how quick some vehicles were going and the range of vehicles doing the top, top speeds (from fancy BMW's to Ford Transit vans). On arrival in Hamburg we checked into the brand new PremierInn which has only been open for a month or so and the room still has that new carpet smell.  Up on the sixth floor we have got a lovely view of HafenCity and the canals.

Waiting for the U-Bahn.

Our plan for today was to do a boat tour of those canals and after a quick ride on the U-Bahn and a late lunch / early dinner we boarded our boat at Alster Lake.  The tour we had booked was meant to be with English Audioguide and with a boat full of Rotary Club international convention members everyone was very surprised when the Captain refused to speak anything other than German!!  We sat in the open area at the back of the boat and so might have struggled to have heard the guide anyway but to make it worse he then proceeded to do a tour of the main harbour with only one small diversion into the HafenCity which was where we were hoping to go.  With two small kids there wasn't enough to keep them interested and they ended up climbing all over the seats and us as we tried to keep them contained, luckily the Rotary guys were all really lovely and very understanding.  I think one of them has made a friend for life with Paloma by sharing her Hot Chilli crisps with her.  It was very un-British of us but a quick complaint to the main office on arrival back in the dock should mean we receive a full refund but time will tell...

Oh how photos can tell a lie!

Onwards to tomorrow and if you are ever in Hamburg don't use Alster-Touristik (unless you speak German!).

Blogged by Amber.

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