Thursday 20 June 2019

2019 - Day 20: Erlebnispark Tripsdrill

The summation of today is that these days it's not about the "thrill" of the theme park but the kids loved it!

In our original itinerary for this road trip we had a few definite places we wanted to go and the theme park, Europa Park was one of these.  However, as we did our research we decided that Europa Park was too big for now and we would save it until the kids were a bit older and we could dedicate a couple of days to it.  So I started looking into smaller more toddler friendly places and Tripsdrill came up which also happened to be in a convenient location for our driving route.  Opened in 1929, and celebrating its 90th anniversary, it is Germany's oldest amusement park and is still owned and managed by the same family.  It also has an attached wildlife park but we only planned on heading there as a last resort if the theme park was a disaster with the kids which it most definitely wasn't.

Despite the map making it look like a very large site it was all quite compact and easy to get round.  The main difficulty was working out where the entrances to rides were located as this was very unclear on the map leading to several back tracks.

On a hedgehog on the Moggelesbahn.

Driving the Oldtimerfahrt.

The Wäschekorb-Rundflug.

The Enten-Wasserfahrt.

The park has a good range of rides from those suitable for Paloma to the more adult orientated thrill rides.  We were disappointed though that several rides we had seen listed as for under 4 years according to their colour key then had a caveat that you actually needed to be 3 years old to ride on them meaning there was less for Paloma than we had originally thought. She did enjoy those she could partake in though including numerous rides on the Enten-Wasserfahrt (Ducks swimming round in a circle) and the Weinkübelfahrt (Spinning Wine Barrels).

Forrest's competitive nature came out even in a preordained race!

The G'sengte Sau.

The Rasender Tausendfüßler.

Forrest lost in the spray on the Mühlbach-Fahrt.

Forrest was much braver than I was expecting him to be and loved all the rides he went on especially the Rasender Tausendfüßler (Raging Centipede - think Rattlesnake for those from the Lowestoft way) and the Wirbelpilz (Chair Swing).  I really wanted to go on the wooden roller coaster, Mammut, but both times we were up that end of the park it was closed for maintenance and this day was more for the kids so we never headed back in that direction again and what's one ride on a wooden roller coaster compared to seven rides round a small circular pond on a large duck anyway!

Matt was so impressed with his German mixed grill it deserved a photo.

We were at the park from 0930 to 1800 so pretty much their full opening hours and we still had to drag them out at the end of the day.  We then headed to a local pub for dinner and I think we were done and dusted before we would have even have been served our drinks compared to last night's dinner.

Blogged by Amber.

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